Cause and Effect Teenage Pregnancy Essay
Modern society seems to be somewhat hysterical in what concerns the issue of teenage pregnancy. The reason for it, as I suppose, is that most people subconsciously feel why it has become a problem, but it is considered inappropriate to state the truth because it stands in opposition to commonly accepted ideals. However, the truth is as follows: the cause of teenage pregnancy is the gap between the rights and duties, or, more exactly, between the time a person is considered to have rights and the time when he or she is considered to have duties.
The problem is, we are all told that teenagers and even children should be treated as seriously as if they were adults; however, they are not adults. In my understanding, a person can only be considered to be an adult if he earns enough money to sustain himself. Until one doesn’t, one cannot be treated as an adult, at least not in the meaning of giving him the rights of an adult.
What we do is directly opposite. Every teenager is considered to be an adult in the sphere of rights and a child in the sphere of duties; and he is constantly being persuaded that he is a grown-up and can take his own decisions. Unfortunately, children are stupid – it is not offense, it is simply a statement of fact – and their understanding of rights doesn’t go much further than “the right to have sex”. But not to have the duty to be responsible for the consequences.
What is the result? If we…
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