What Is Art Essay. Definition Paper Sample
I believe that every person has his/her own view considering the definition of art. Why? Because it is such a multifaceted concept that it is simply not possible to give a universal definition to it that will completely cover all its aspects. What we can do – is to give some kind of general definition that the majority of people will agree with, and then define some of its aspects for ourselves – the most important ones that distinguish art from some attempts of self-realization. In this short essay, I will present my view of what art is.
For me, this concept of what art means is very complex and encompasses a great variety of subtypes. It can be realized in all the possible spheres of life, and in every one of them, it can take so many forms that it is impossible to describe them all at once. If I try to generalize, art for me is a kind of thing that warms my heart and makes me think. When I see a real masterpiece in the form of painting or hear it as a beautiful tune, I can never feel indifference in relation to it. I don’t like everything I see in museums, for instance, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t consider the sample I don’t like to be amateurish. Instead, regarding many of them, I feel that they are true creations of geniuses, just of not my type.
When I was a freshman in college, I also want to be an artist, but not in the true sense of the word. I don’t have any particular creative talent, such as…
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