Descriptive Essay Sample
My First Visit to the Mountains
Very often you may hear people saying how much they love mountains, the scenery there, the power of sheer cliffs, the purity of air and so on and so forth. Very often, however, it turns out that they love mountains “in absentia”, by default, because one is supposed to, and limit their knowledge of them by admiring the high-quality photos. As for me, I won’t even say that I love mountains; I only state that visiting them in flesh provides quite a unique experience that is worth obtaining for everyone.
The first time I participated in a hike to a mountainous region proved it completely obvious that most people admiring mountains have never been there. The impression about them is not confined within the beauty of sights, although it is hard to imagine anything more impressive. Vast spaces lying in every direction you face, the tricks that perspective plays with your vision when you stay on the top of a cliff and look down, seeing earth incredibly far down, so that the sheer amount of transparent air between you and the bottom of this abyss make it look hazy. The mountain tops, surrounded in clouds for all eternity, the long way up, littered with small and large rocks that constantly threaten to break your legs in case you make an awkward step. Mountain lakes, with water that is agonizingly cold and refreshing at the same time. The very need to go on for the majority of time – it all adds to the impression.
I am not saying that people admiring the mountains at a…