How Can We Succeed in Conservation of Natural Resources?
Every day people work on the ways to make their life easier and more pleasant. They try to invent some new ways of entertainment, work on the ways to make some routine activities less time-consuming to dedicate their time to more important activities. Thus, thousands of different devices are produced, lots of automobiles are used and many other events are happening daily in the world. One of the unpleasant aspects of this progress is that it requires use of a great deal of natural resources. Is it possible to change this tendency?
Fortunately, along with working on technologies that harm our environment and reduce natural resources, there are people who work on development of those that could solve this problem. They are trying to find alternatives to cars working on gasoline, to plastic materials, cellulose film and others. These inventions, although being not so different from the detrimental alternatives, still are not paid enough attention and are often left without notice. To change this situation is not so hard, though.
In order to do this, people just have to realize what consequences their actions may have and understand that it is not only nature that suffers, but he or she as well. People usually care most of all about themselves. That is the main reason why some general phrases like “If you litter, our planet will be completely covered in trash in a hundred years” are of absolutely no use. Of course, there are people who will stop littering after hearing this fact, but their quantity won’t exceed 1-2%. Others will think: “Well, in a hundred years, I won’t live here anyway. So, why bother about all the environmental problems?”
To my mind, this situation should be changed. And the sooner, the better. People should see that their environmentally-hostile actions affect them first and foremost. Then, they should be shown exactly how they should behave to avoid the negative consequences and live a long and happy life. Only this way will make a difference and we will be able to save our planet.