VIP customer service

This extra will get you priority order processing and offers a unique experience, making you our #1 customer. This option allows you to track your order via text messages and will notify you if the writer requires any extra files for your paper or if your order is completed before the deadline. With VIP customer service, you will have the best Customer Support Representatives working for you! The extra costs $14.99.

“The deadline for my paper was on Monday, but I had to be away for the weekend, and this feature provided me a sense of security because I knew through SMSes that someone was working on it. What a relief!”

“I ordered severals papers with this service and with VIP customer supprt I didn't have to wait at all and my issue was solved really fast!”
Preferred writer

This extra allows you to get a paper of the highest quality imaginable. Although all our writers are ready to meet your requirements, deadlines and expectations, you can get the best of the best to work on your paper with the “TOP writer” feature. The highly experienced “Advanced writer” can also take care of your complicated assignment for a smaller fee than our TOP writers. Choose “My previous writer” if you were 100% satisfied with the previous order!

“My first writer did a good job, so naturally I wanted to continue working with him. It's a good thing that they have this option, plus it's free, so I had another good paper! Thanks!”

“I have placed several orders with this service and was always satisfied with the quality. But my speech had to be absolutely perfect and that is why I chose “top writer”. I wasn't disappointed – that was truly a masterpiece!!”
Plagiarism report

Whenever you need an official proof that your paper is original, you can choose this option. We guarantee that you will get a solid proof that your paper is unique – top results are ensured by the professional plagiarism detection service. The prices for this feature are:
- single spacing: 1-5 pages - $9.99 with $2 extra for very additional page.
- double spacing: 1-10 pages - $9.99 with $1 extra for every additional page.
Upon request, we can use TurnItIn without storing the uploaded papers in a database. The price for this feature is $29.99.

“These days, you hear more and more cases of plagiarism in papers on the news. I plan on going into politics, and that's why I had to be sure to submit a plagiarism report along with my dissertation. Now I can be certain that no one will accuse me of plagiarism in the future!”

“It was important to have a proof that my paper was not plagiarized – both for myself and for my professor. The essay was written very well and with this report I was able to hand it in without extra worries.”
Abstract page

An abstract is a concise summary of what is written in your paper, and it is often one of the requirements for publications. While writing a quality Abstract page may seem difficult even for experienced writers, our professionals are ready to tackle the task for you. This extra will get you a perfect summary of your paper, according to all the rules and requirements. This feature is available for $14.99!

“Writing an abstract for my paper was a real pain, so I'm glad I found these guys after just a bit of googling. They did all the hard work for me, thanks!”

“An abstract was also on the list of requirements from my professor and as I had no time for the paper itself or the abstract, I ordered it from this service. When I got my essay I knew it was really good, but my professor said it was perfect, which got me the highest mark!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys!”
Sources used
With this extra, you can get the materials used for your paper! When you purchase the "Sources used" extra, you will get a soft copy of the sources used in .doc/.docx/.pdf formats or, alternatively, as print screens or images of the pages referenced. The materials will be available for download in your control panel upon the order completion.
Table of contents/Outline
If your paper needs a proper table of contents/outline, add this extra in your control panel.
Editor's check

Choosing this extra in your control panel allows you to improve the content of your work. This means one of our professional editor's will proofread it and edit all the existing errors: grammar, punctuation, stylistic, formatting, etc.
- FREE formatting$5
- FREE title page$5
- FREE plagiarism check$10
- FREE email delivery$3
- FREE revisionsfrom $6/page
- Total savings:from $29
- If the price of your order is above $100010%
- If the price of your order is above $5005%